Where to buy live Christmas trees in the Dayton region

Choosing and cutting your own Christmas tree is a holiday tradition for many Miami Valley families - CONTRIBUTED

Choosing and cutting your own Christmas tree is a holiday tradition for many Miami Valley families - CONTRIBUTED

What began as a romantic newlywed idea has evolved into a longstanding holiday tradition for the Smith family.

“After getting married and moving to the Dayton area, we started talking about creating our own new traditions,” Rachel Smith said. “We decided cutting down a Christmas tree would be our new tradition. What started as just the two of us now is a tradition our four kids look forward to every year.”

The Bellbrook family’s children — ranging in age from 6 to 13 — now excitedly help choose and cut down the Christmas tree every year.

The Smith family (l-to-r) Julian, Isla, David, Rachel, Blaine and Graeme, have made a trip to the Advent Christmas Tree Farm and annual holiday tradition - CONTRIBUTED

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“If we ever even joke about a fake tree we are met with extreme opposition from the kids,” Smith said.

The Smith family is not alone as, according to the National Christmas Tree Association, approximately 25 to 30 million real Christmas trees are sold in the United States every year. While some purchase pre-cut trees, many choose the family fun of finding and cutting down their own tree at a local tree farm.

There are close to 350 million real Christmas trees currently growing on close to 15,000 Christmas tree farms in the United States. Tall and thin or short and bushy, a fir, spruce or pine, local tree farms have acres of trees ready to make the move from the field to your living room.

While cutting down a tree may sound a bit daunting, most tree farms supply saws as well as sleds or wagons to transport the tree. Most farms also offer shaking and wrapping of the tree free of charge or for a nominal fee. And employees wanting to get on Santa’s nice list might even secure the tree on the roof of the car.

Ready to find the perfect tree? Most local tree farms open for the season Thanksgiving weekend.

Choosing and cutting your own Christmas tree is a holiday tradition for many Miami Valley families - CONTRIBUTED

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Montgomery County

🎄A. Brown & Sons Nursery

Location: 7701 Salem Ave., Clayton

Trees: Cut-your-own firs, pines and spruces – from 3 to 14-feet – for $89. Pre-cut and live balled and burlapped trees also available, prices vary. Only cash and checks accepted.

Extras: Wreaths and fresh roping available.

Info: For hours and additional information, visit https://brownsnursery.com/.

🎄Advent Christmas Tree Farm

Location: 10581 Haber Road, Englewood

Trees: A limited number of cut-your-own trees is available by advance reservation only. Several varieties of pre-cut trees are also available.

Extras: Photography sessions can be booked at the farm.

Info: Visit www.advent.farm.

🎄Red Barn Tree Farm

Location: 990 Soldiers Home Road, Miamisburg

Trees: The Miamisburg farm is going to offer a limited number of cut-your-own trees as well as pre-cut Fraser and balsam firs.

Extras: Garland, wreaths and Christmas crafts available. Santa and the Black Jack Grill will be on hand on Nov. 29.

Info: Visit Red Barn Tree Farm on Facebook or call 937-367-4508.

Greene County

🎄Country Charm Tree Farm

Location: 348 Timothy Lane, Xenia

Trees: A variety of fir, spruce and pine cut-your-own and pre-cut trees available from 4 to 17-feet tall.

Extras: Handmade wreaths and swags available.

Info: Visit www.countrycharmtrees.com or Country Charm Tree Farm on Facebook.

With 26,000 trees, the Yellow Springs farm has a wide selection of firs, spruces and pines to choose from - CONTRIBUTED

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🎄Carl & Dorothy Young’s Christmas Trees

Location: 4968 U.S. Route 68 North, Yellow Springs

Trees: The Yellow Springs farm has a variety of trees to choose from including Canaan fir, Norway spruce, and white pine. Cut-your-own trees are available by reservation only, but pre-cut trees do not require a reservation.

Extras: Complimentary hot chocolate and popcorn available in the gift shop.

Info: Visit www.youngschristmastreefarm.com.

🎄Spring Valley Tree Farm

Location: 2462 Cook Road, Spring Valley

Trees: The farm will have mostly 5, 6 and 7-foot trees available. A special “Spruce Day” will be held on Dec. 14 with Norway, white, Serbian and Colorado blue spruce trees available. Reservations required for all cut-your-own trees.

Extras: A selection of living Christmas trees is also available.

Info: Visit www.springvalleytreefarmllc.com.

Warren County

🎄Big Tree Plantation

Location: 2544 South Waynesville Road, Morrow

Trees: The farm has a limited supply of cut-your-own trees as well as variety of pre-cut and live trees.

Extras: The Christmas Gift Barn and Big Tree Café offer holiday gifts and decorations as well as sweet treats and complimentary hot cocoa.

Info: Visit www.bigtreeplantation.com.

🎄Berninger Christmas Trees and Wreaths

Location: 1220 Stubbs Mill Road, Lebanon

Trees: The family-owned business offers cut-your-own and pre-cut Christmas trees including Scotch pines, white pines and Canaan firs.

Extras: Free popcorn and handmade ornaments.

Info: Visit http://berningertreesandwreaths.com/ or Berninger Trees and Wreaths on Facebook.

Butler County

🎄John T. Nieman Nursery

Location: 3215 New London Road, Hamilton

Trees: With 125 acres and 60,000 trees, there is a variety of cut-your-own and pre-cut trees as well as balled and burlapped trees to choose from.

Extras: The Christmas barn has wreaths, swags, roping and arrangements as well as complimentary hot chocolate and cookies.

Info: Visit www.johnniemannursery.com or the John T Nieman Nursery on Facebook.

Clark County

🎄Greene Acres Christmas Tree Farm

Location: 9504 Lower Valley Pike, Medway

Trees: A field of Canaan fir trees is ready to be cut and there is also a selection of pre-cut Fraser firs. Tree shaking, packaging and car-side delivery is included.

Extras: Vintage gift shop with unique items for holiday gift giving.

Info: Visit www.greeneacreschristmastreefarm.com or Greene Acres Christmas Tree Farm on Facebook.

From November 2023: Micah Gotz, 7, and Cana Gotz, 10, carry their freshly cut family Christmas tree at Berninger Christmas Trees and Wreaths in Turtlecreek Twp. NICK GRAHAM/STAFF

Credit: Nick Graham

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Credit: Nick Graham


  • Make a fresh cut on the trunk and place in water within 6-8 hours.
  • Display indoors in a secure stand with adequate water capacity – at least one quart for each inch of trunk diameter
  • Check the water daily and replenish as needed to maintain the water level above the base of the tree trunk.
  • Display tree away from heat sources that may cause tree to dry.
  • Only use lights that produce low heat and replace if wiring is worn or frayed.
  • Monitor tree for freshness. If it becomes dry, remove it from the home.

Source: National Christmas Tree Association

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